Professional level sports venues, indoor venues and LED lighting for the stadium.

ILLUMINANCE LIGHT LEVELS&Beam diffusion and uniformity

The amount of light required for the surface of the game varies greatly depending on the type of exercise involved.In general, fast motion sports with small game objects (tennis) or long line of sight will require high levels of illumination. At slower speeds, larger game objects (soccer) or nearer viewing distances require lower levels of illumination.


Glare control is the main variable in designing the best luminaire. Adiding LEDs can be built with one of many different standard anti-glare shields, or we can even customize one for your application. We can even freeze the lens slightly to minimize light loss.


To minimize darker game areas, Adiding LED motion lights have excellent beam uniformity. There are a variety of beam propagations and wattages, symmetry and asymmetry, which are designed to ensure that the game area has an appropriately overlapping beam without "hot spots".

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